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Tuesday 24 March 2020

Bridget Foley’s Diary: A Talk With Tom

It’s hard to find even slivers of levity in this horrible coronavirus crisis that is killing many, isolating millions and devastating the global economy. But every now and then, needs must. So picture this: Tom Ford scrubbing a toilet. The primary purpose of our conversation on Monday was to discuss A Common Thread, the initiative unveiled Tuesday by Ford and Anna Wintour, through which the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund has been repurposed in support of those whose businesses are reeling from COVID-19 fallout. Of course, the discussion broadened to other pandemic-related topics, from the barren retail landscape to newly acquired chores — and skills — within the Buckley-Ford household. WWD: There’s a lot to talk about. Let’s start with home. How are you coping with house arrest? Tom Ford: It’s just the three of us — Richard [Buckley, Ford’s husband], Jack [their seven-year-old son] and myself, no staff at all. We’re doing everything. I do the laundry, scrub the toilet, vacuum. WWD: You’re scrubbing toilets? T.F.: Yes. And Jack has learned how to scrub a toilet. It’s good for him. WWD: Cooking? T.F.: Richard. Or we have takeout delivered and left outside the door. And we’re homeschooling. WWD: Shonda Rhimes tweeted a while ago that she was

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