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Monday, 20 January 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Inside Agnès B.’s New Paris Art Museum

Fashion titans are infiltrating Paris’ culture scene with museums; The Arnaults with their Fondation Louis Vuitton, the Pinaults with their Pinault Collection to open at the Bourse de Commerce later this year. And now cardigan queen Agnès Troublé, better known as Agnès B., will join their ranks early next month — albeit at a more modest scale — with a museum pulling from her own personal collection of 5,000 artworks that have long been stowed away in a Canal Saint-Martin-area storage unit. While a quiet presence on the Paris fashion scene, Troublé’s brand — founded in 1976 — operates some 282 stores worldwide as well as five art galleries. The brand is wildly popular in Japan and is finding a new wave of fandom Stateside. Agnès B. snap cardigans and baseball caps are currently reaching a fever pitch in New York, appreciated by fashion and art insiders for their quiet luxury and classic French appeal. Just last week, Chloë Sevigny announced her pregnancy on Instagram wearing an Agnès B. snap cardigan in a photo by Jim Jarmusch. “I always say I don’t like fashion, I like clothes. Fashion is ephemeral,” the designer said of her enduring success. Chloe Sevigny wearing Agnès B. in

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