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Friday, 8 November 2019

How to Get Over a Breakup, According to Bishop Briggs

“When the breakup first happened, the first thing I did was Google ‘How to get through a breakup,’” says Bishop Briggs. The Internet told her to take a bath, call a friend — but she had already burned through both those remedies within the first hour. Step two was music. Briggs, 27, started with listening to albums that “made her feel less alone” — Amy Winehouse, Sam Smith, Adele — and then she got to work herself. The result is a collection of songs for her new album, “Champion,” out today, which she describes as a surprise to herself, one born out of grief for the love lost. “In hindsight, maybe on a subconscious level, I know that I was maybe doing this so that people could listen to it and feel less alone,” she says. “But, in the moment, I was just a pile of tears, not knowing how to handle it.” See also: The Sensitivities of Jenny Slate The album’s title track, which was released over the summer, was written shortly before the breakup occurred, and therefore deviates a bit from her breakup anthem vibe, but is very Briggs: feminist, confident, honest. “The meaning behind it being, as a woman, feeling like I

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