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Thursday 5 September 2019

DPA Addresses ‘Antiquated Perceptions’ About Diamond Mining

The Diamond Producers Association, or DPA, was formed in 2015 via an alliance between seven diamond producers: Alrosa; De Beers; Dominion Diamond Mines; Gem Diamonds; Lucara Diamond Corp.; Murowa Diamonds (owned and operated by RZM); Petra Diamonds, and Rio Tinto. From the launch, the DPA’s goal is to “maintain and enhance consumer demand for, and confidence in, diamonds,” which is a mission that association leadership said also includes a commitment to “best-in-class ethical and sustainable operations and transparent business practices.” [Click on this link to download a free WWD Studios Executive Briefing Report, “The Diamond Dossier.”]  Here, Jean-Marc Lieberherr, chief executive officer of the Diamond Producers Association, explains what that mission entails as well as the challenges faced by the DPA in implementing it. WWD: How would you describe the current state of the diamond production industry? Jean-Marc Lieberherr: Following a strong 2017 and firm 2018, worldwide diamond jewelry market growth has been slowing down in 2019 mostly as a result of economic uncertainty and temporary market factors, especially in China and India. Research shows that diamond desirability among consumers is high in all key markets, and we expect China and India to be future growth engines as desirability translates into purchases beyond main cities. This,

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