Friends and Family Celebrate the Life of Nicole Miller’s Bud Konheim
Make every day a Bud day. That was the takeaway at Friday afternoon’s memorial for Nicole Miller’s chief executive officer Bud Konheim. “If you’re one of those who enjoys the thrill of life, you’re enjoying a happy Bud day. For him, there never was a bad day. Every day was a good day.” That was how Konheim’s wife Colleen described his unstoppable optimism. Her son Christian Hoagland relayed those words to a standing-room-only crowd at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Parlor. Konheim’s zealousness for the fashion industry, the country, the potential of others and the wonder of everyday life was described by such speakers as former New York City First Lady Donna Hanover, designer Jeff Banks and his longtime business partner Nicole Miller. Attendees like Fern Mallis, Lavelle Olexa and Hal Rubenstein were all ears. Konheim and Miller first teamed up in the late Seventies, before venturing out on their own to create a multimillion-dollar designer business that remains privately held. Describing how Konheim was always the first one in the office and the last one to leave, Miller said he would always be on the phone, when she arrived. “He loved to talk and there was no such thing as a short phone conversation.” “Bud lovedFollow WWD on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook.
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