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Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Luxury Product, Ease and Efficiency Trump Storytelling at Mytheresa

LONDON — Show me the product. That’s just how Mytheresa’s customers in the U.S., Europe and Asia responded when the site polled them about luxury fashion, trends, their online purchasing behavior, favorite e-commerce sites, and spending habits as part of a survey to understand who is buying online, what she is looking for and how she views Mytheresa. The Munich-based site’s customers also expressed a preference for shopping on their mobile phones, a lack of interest in lifestyle editorial and magazine-style narratives, and a desire for well-curated selections of product. The results of the survey, carried out on 4,099 female consumers in three key geographic areas of Korea, Germany and the U.S., defy some generally accepted beliefs about online retail: That shoppers love a narrative, that lush fashion shoots are a strong selling point and that “experiential” shopping is the be-all and end-all. “We’re talking about a woman who’s making an order from the back of a taxi during a 15-minute ride between appointments in New York, a woman who’s on her mobile phone in an airport lounge, one who’s up at 6 a.m. doing yoga, and who’s in the office until 8 p.m. We look after busy women, and convenience is a big

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